Roto / Keying Matte

We trace the object, extract the moving images, create & animate the different shapes and generate Alpha Channel Matte in best quality by using exclusively designed Softwares and provide outputs in desired formats..

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Paint / Prep

We expertise in Digital Paint & Prep which includes Removal of Wires, Rig, Track Markers, unwanted Artifacts, Scratches, Clean up and reconstruction of BG, De-graining & Re-graining and more..

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We re-create live Camera footage in a virtual Camera using 3D Application and provide final footage as real-time representation. Our talented team evaluate the shots, analyze the Camera Information, Set Measurements including Camera height, focus distance and handle the shots with or without Survey data and there is no compromise in Quality..

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Compositing, a highly technical craft, wherein we visualize the concept and integrate one image into another one and make them look like one whole, a photo-realistic image. Our Compositors are proficient in using 2.5d approaches, projections and using 3D environment within Nuke. Skilled in multi-channel compositing, chroma keying, projection setup, tracking and color correction..

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Matte Painting

Digital Matte Painting concept is simple, but it demands skilful Artists who could use the best techniques to replace BG and make it realistic. Our talented team has in-depth knowledge of the use of color, lighting, composition & depth and use a mix of digital painting, compositing and Photoshop magic give the viewer the perfect illusion of real Background..

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We animate geometrical 3D Modelling in Maya, based on the input given, create the correct spatial relationships between objects in the three-dimensional scene while matching the two-dimensional content of the shot plate..